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Did you know that science has discovered one definitive cause AND cure for cancer? Acidic blood is the root of cancer cell survival. The disease feeds off of the glucose human bodies are ingesting every day and thrive in the environment we create for it. If our bodies maintain a slightly alkaline environment, the cells would die off. As a result, your body would potentially be cured of cancer and other potential diseases. Conventional medicine physicians prescribe chemotherapy, radiation or other heavy drugs to treat cancer. This is counter-intuitive, as it adds to the acidity of our body. So while cancer cells might die in the process, healthy cells will die as well, and the body is even more susceptible. The most effective and robust method for eliminating cancer, or potential risk, is a diet change. A complete overhaul to what we eat daily.


pH stands for the power of hydrogen, and it is a scale to rate a substance as either 0-7 (acidic) or 7-14 (alkaline). If your body maintains a pH level of 7.5 or above, cancer literally cannot survive. Cancer is a metabolic disease that manifests through poor diet. Basically, the cells of this disease eat glucose and breathe acid. Glucose is most commonly known as sugar. Most things we consume on a daily basis are quite acidic and process in our bodies as glucose.



The best way to alkalize your blood is to cut out some of these sugary, acidic foods and consume a more significant portion of high pH level goods like green leafy vegetables. For those of you that need a better picture of what to eat, here is an example of what our modern food pyramid should look like. It is what our food pyramid should look like to prevent any disease.


modern food pyramid anti cancer

If you eat on a consistent basis processed or packaged foods, the body will be too acidic, and the cells are incapable of healing themselves. Cancer is not the only disease that can literally be prevented with a more alkaline diet, and most disease that are degenerative such as; diabetes, fibromyalgia, and some even debate if arthritis can be healed through healthy eating habits.

Taking harsh medication never benefits the body long term. Most drugs also raise the pH level in your blood and do not eliminate the need for more drugs. You are doing yourself a disservice by pumping in more chemicals, absorbing more radiation and toxins to try and cure a disease that feeds off of it. It’s disappointing how modern medicine is such a fantastic thing but is still led under so many misconceptions. Stories are popping up everywhere about people who cure their cancer through diet instead of treatment. There are two clinics we know out there that treat cancer (depending on the type) completely drug-free. The Gerson Institute and The Hippocrates Health Institute.


“We know the best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system, and food can either be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”

Be wise and chose what you eat with the perspective above in mind at all times.



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