PG Slots Hormone Optimization & Peptide Therapy Miami
Men’s department +1 786-563-0310 | Women’s department +1 786-522-4044
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Peptide Therapy

Peptides are also known as “secretagogues”, which are natural secretagogues or derivatives of growth hormone. They stimulate the brain’s pituitary and hypothalamus gland to pulsate the release of more natural growth hormones. As we age, our growth hormone production drastically slows down and this process is known as somatopause. With the help of peptide secretagogues, you can stimulate the liver and brain to produce the release of growth hormone just about the same amount produced in your early twenties.

There are about 7,000 naturally occurring peptide reactions in our bodies daily. Both peptides and proteins are made up of strings of the body’s basic building blocks – amino acids – and held together by peptide bonds. In basic terms, the difference is that peptides are made up of smaller chains of amino acids than proteins. We can look at peptides as calculus in math, while hormones are the algebra of math.

Peptide Therapy

In this 4 minute video, the founders of the Medical Health Institute (Carlos & Michael), explain what a peptide is, the benefits of peptide therapy, and how could it significantly improve the quality of your life.


Growth Hormone Secretagogue Peptides

Growth Hormone peptides are composed of GHRHs, GHRPs, and/or poly peptides that mimic the body’s natural Growth Hormone release. Click below to learn more


International Peptide Society Conference

Thanks to the advancement of optimization medicine, we finally have the biotechnology to extend our lives and use it to reverse or control the effects of aging.

Growth hormone controls the reproduction and development of every cellular function in the human body. As we age, this makes it invaluable for our health and longevity. Growth hormone is known as the “fountain of youth” or “master” hormone. When we enter deep sleep or “REM” sleep, the pituitary and hypothalamus gland releases a surge of growth hormone into the bloodstream. By administering growth hormone stimulating peptides, you are drastically increasing your natural production without shutting down your own production. Instead of replacing your natural growth hormone with synthetic growth hormone, we can stimulate

Common Signs & Symptoms Low Human Growth Hormone “HGH”

  • Saggy muscles & skin
  • Memory loss
  • Diminished quality of sleep
  • Weak joints and bones
  • Poor mental function and concentration
  • A drastic increase in wrinkles and decrease in skin elasticity
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Reduced eyesight
  • Poor wound healing
  • Increase in body fat, especially around the midsection

Saggy muscles & skin

Memory loss

Diminished quality of sleep

Weak joints and bones

Poor mental function and concentration

A drastic increase in wrinkles and decrease in skin elasticity



Crohn’s Disease

Reduced eyesight

Poor wound healing

Increase in body fat, especially around the midsection

Our Peptide Treatment Menu

Peptide treatments are our substitute for the typical human growth hormone “HGH” cookie-cutter regimens other clinics use and it is ALL in the dose prescribed! Peptides are tricky because if administered in the wrong doses IT WILL oversaturate the body’s receptor sites canceling out their effects. You can oversaturate a receptor by taking too much of a dose or too long of a peptide treatment course. This is why it is so crucial to be with a doctor that truly understands the science behind peptides and so you don’t make a bad investment. We understand this is an important step for you and that the results you may have heard about or seen can be very enticing and they should be! Peptide protocols, DONE CORRECTLY, can make a world of difference in your longevity and vitality.

We encourage all of our patients to educate themselves because we believe that the more you understand the subject, the more comfortable and thrilled you will feel about embarking on this amazing form of therapy. Since we know most of you have busy life schedules, we made the information simple and easy to follow. We also back up our peptide menu with scientifically backed up research from prestigious medical journals so that you understand this is not anecdotal knowledge but research-based information. So, if you would like a list of all the peptides we specialize in, submit your information and simply request our peptide menu.


How Long Does Peptide Therapy Last?

These treatment cycles will drastically differ from patient to patient. This is due to the nature of what peptides are used and the patient’s desired result. Each one of these injections is typically followed up with a check-in to see its effectiveness.  Once optimal growth hormone levels are achieved, they can be sustained with a rotational-like peptide protocol of growth hormone-inducing peptides. If you are insulin resistant, growth hormone-inducing peptides will not be a good fit for you until your insulin and A1C have been restored to healthy levels. This is because growth hormone “IGF-1” and insulin hormone compete for the same receptor site so if you have high insulin levels, the medication will spend most of its time trying to shunt the effects of high insulin and A1C blood serum levels. However, this will be determined through follow-up blood work and the patient’s feedback during a peptide treatment.

What Does Peptide Therapy Do?

The end effects and results will vary for each individual. What the peptide achieves will depend on what peptide is used. Some common results will be increased hormone levels, tissue generation and improved sleep cycles.

Does Peptide Therapy Really Work?

Many peptides have been thoroughly researched and becoming a very popular treatment method all over the United States. We have had many patient success stories that can be found on our testimonial page.

How Long Does It Take Before My Peptide Treatment Starts Working?

HGH-like peptides are excreted from the brain and body quickly so they must be injected on a daily and nightly basis. The benefits can be seen as early as eight weeks into treatment. Initial immediate effects include significant improvement in REM sleep, mental sharpness, and memory retention. However, to experience complete physical effects, these peptide treatments should be taken continuously for eight to twelve weeks. Peptides are not good to use on a long-term basis because they can oversaturate the body’s receptor sites canceling out their effects. You can oversaturate a receptor by taking too much of a dose or too long of a peptide treatment. This is why it is so crucial to be with a doctor that truly understands the science behind peptides and so you don’t make a bad investment.

Can I Overdose From Any Of These Peptide Treatments can I Overdose From Any Of These Peptide Treatments?

Yes, but not in the sense that it will cause any harmful effects. You will simply lose the effectiveness of the medication. In comparison to injectable human growth hormone “HGH”, peptides are safer, more affordable, and can be just as effective, but they can also be useless if the receptor site is overstimulated. Our endocrine system can safely regulate, through a negative feedback loop, the amount of growth hormone released by the pituitary and hypothalamus gland. This results in zero overloads to the system and increased safety. You cannot overdose from peptides, but if you overstimulate the receptors, you will desensitize and misuse your investment.

How Long Does Peptide Therapy Last?

These treatment cycles will drastically differ from patient to patient. This is due to the nature of what peptides are used and the patient’s desired result. Each one of these injections is typically followed up with a check-in to see its effectiveness.  Once optimal growth hormone levels are achieved, they can be sustained with a rotational-like peptide protocol of growth hormone-inducing peptides. If you are insulin resistant, growth hormone-inducing peptides will not be a good fit for you until your insulin and A1C have been restored to healthy levels. This is because growth hormone “IGF-1” and insulin hormone compete for the same receptor site so if you have high insulin levels, the medication will spend most of its time trying to shunt the effects of high insulin and A1C blood serum levels. However, this will be determined through follow-up blood work and the patient’s feedback during a peptide treatment.

What Does Peptide Therapy Do?

The end effects and results will vary for each individual. What the peptide achieves will depend on what peptide is used. Some common results will be  increased hormone levels, tissue generation and improved sleep cycles. 

Does Peptide Therapy Really Work?

Many peptides have been thoroughly researched and becoming a very popular treatment method all over the United States. We have had many patient success stories that can be found on our testimonial page.

How Long Does It Take Before My Peptide Treatment Starts Working?

HGH-like peptides are excreted from the brain and body quickly so they must be injected on a daily and nightly basis. The benefits can be seen as early as eight weeks into treatment. Initial immediate effects include significant improvement in REM sleep, mental sharpness, and memory retention. However, to experience complete physical effects, these peptide treatments should be taken continuously for eight to twelve weeks. Peptides are not good to use on a long-term basis because they can oversaturate the body’s receptor sites canceling out their effects. You can oversaturate a receptor by taking too much of a dose or too long of a peptide treatment. This is why it is so crucial to be with a doctor that truly understands the science behind peptides and so you don’t make a bad investment.

Can I Overdose From Any Of These Peptide Treatments can I Overdose From Any Of These Peptide Treatments?

Yes, but not in the sense that it will cause any harmful effects. You will simply lose the effectiveness of the medication. In comparison to injectable human growth hormone “HGH”, peptides are safer, more affordable, and can be just as effective, but they can also be useless if the receptor site is overstimulated. Our endocrine system can safely regulate, through a negative feedback loop, the amount of growth hormone released by the pituitary and hypothalamus gland. This results in zero overloads to the system and increased safety.  You cannot overdose from peptides, but if you overstimulate the receptors, you will desensitize and misuse your investment.