PG Slots Sexual Wellness Treatments - Hormone Optimization & Peptide Therapy Miami
Men’s department +1 786-563-0310 | Women’s department +1 786-522-4044
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ED & Sexual Dysfunction Treatments In Both Men & Women

For men, erectile dysfunction is also known as ED. It is a medical condition in which a male cannot achieve or maintain an erection long or well enough to perform sexual intercourse. We live in a complicated and fast-paced society with detrimental environmental toxins that are unavoidable. So today, there are many causes of erectile dysfunction, and it’s more normal and pervasive than you think. We are seeing 20-year-old young men calling our office who suffering from severe erectile dysfunction. Read below to find out more about our erectile dysfunction solutions. We have your back!

For women, decreased hormone levels from aging, in most cases causes sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction. Their vagina experiences changes as well, which include: dryness, painful intercourse, thinning of the vaginal lining, poor lubrication, and reduced sex drive. Women during all stages of life have an interest in improving their sexual performance with increased sensitivity, better orgasms, and natural lubrication. Today, we have a solution that can ultimately improve the quality of your sex life and solve your sexual dysfunction issue. Below on the left, you can find a video of Dr. Amy Wecker recommending shockwave therapy for women and how she herself has benefited from this treatment.

Could Genetics Be A Contributing Factor To Ed In Men Or Sexual Dysfunction In Women?

One of the main contributing factors to erectile or sexual dysfunction is said to be genetics. However, there is not enough evidence-based research data to support the fact that ED or sexual dysfunction treatments are caused strictly by genetics. That being said, there is an overwhelming inclination that stress in conjunction with genetics can most definitely play a defining role when diagnosing an erectile and sexual dysfunction issue.

Can Testosterone & Progesterone Replacement Therapy Help Treat Ed In Men Or Sexual Dysfunction In Women?

Yes, both hormones can help through different mechanisms. Testosterone treatment not only increases blood flow and frequency of erections but also significantly increases sexual desire. Progesterone increases sexual arousal and desire in both men and women. Although both of these hormones have many other incredible benefits for health and longevity, we are keeping the topic focused on this specific area of sexual optimization.

The actual cause of ED in men and sexual dysfunction in women has never been bogged down to one single specific issue. Some of the most common are causes of erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction are cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, deteriorating hormone production, aging, and diabetes. In addition, side effects from medication and excessive alcohol use can be causing some of these issues as well. Smoking has been cited as another ED and sexual dysfunction cause, in addition to the outside stresses that life can usher in. In the United States, an estimated 30 million men have reported having some erectile dysfunction-related issues and 40 percent of women worldwide. You are not alone and we’d like to introduce you to our various forms of ED and sexual dysfunction solutions.

Having Problems In The Bedroom?

As a man or woman, there is nothing you fear more than not being able to perform while you are in bed with your partner. Not only can this be very frustrating and embarrassing, but it may worsen as you age. Whether you are unable to achieve an erection or achieve orgasm this may be classified as sexual dysfunction. Not to mention, a decrease in sexual function can be detrimental not only to your confidence but also to your relationship. Shockwave treatments can help any man or woman seeking to improve their overall sexual function and performance.

Shockwave Technology For Men & Women

Shockwave is the latest breakthrough in science to improve erectile and vaginal function to treat sexual dysfunction effectively? It uses sound-acoustic shock wave therapy and by applying sound-acoustic waves directly to the penis or vagina, we are able to break up micro-plaque that builds up within our reproductive blood vessels. This wakes up dormant growth factors that stimulate new tissue growth and angiogenesis which is the development of new blood vessels. It’s a non-invasive approach with “zero side effects” that could be done in less than 15 minutes. The results from shockwave therapy for ED in men and sexual dysfunction in women have been phenomenal results for our clients.

How Does Shockwave Work For Men & Women​?

As a man or woman, there is nothing you fear more than not being able to perform while you are in bed with your partner. Not only can this be very frustrating and embarrassing, but it may worsen as you age. Whether you are unable to achieve an erection or achieve orgasm this may be classified as sexual dysfunction. Not to mention, a decrease in sexual function can be detrimental not only to your confidence but also to your relationship. Shockwave treatments can help any man or woman seeking to improve their overall sexual function and performance.

PDE5 Inhibitors For Ed & Sexual Dysfunction Treatment For Men & Women

PDE5 inhibitors increase blood flow to the penis and vagina, causing sexual stimulation in women and erection in men. Brand names you might be familiar with include Viagra, Cialis, Stendra, and Levitra. Another of our doctors’ most effective approaches in treating ED in men is using micro doses of daily Cialis which not only improves erections and performance in men but also improves their cardiovascular health as well. Low testosterone levels in both men and women are another leading cause of ED and sexual disinterest in women.

For individuals that do not respond well to traditional PDE5 inhibitor treatments, we offer a new peptide treatment called PT-141 and which has approval for women. This peptide treatment has been another breakthrough in treating ED in men and sexual dysfunction symptoms in women.

PT-141 also alleviates ED and sexual dysfunction for those trying to enhance their sexual performance. Bremelanotide PT-141 (peptide) was developed from the peptide hormone Melanotan II. It causes sexual arousal in both men and women and firm erections in men. It is extremely effective in treating sexual dysfunction in women and erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Women with sexual arousal disorders saw significant improvement as well in lubrication, sensitivity, and the ability to achieve explosive orgasm. Unlike Viagra and other related PDE5 inhibitor medications, this medication does not act upon the vascular system, but by increasing sexual desire via the nervous system. We have seen excellent results in males with ED and females with sexual dysfunction.

What Medications Might Be Contributing To Ed In Men Or Sexual Dysfunction In Women?


Anti-anxiety medicines

Muscle relaxants

Anti-epileptic drugs

Blood pressure medicines


Parkinson’s medicines



Could Genetics Be A Contributing Factor To Ed In Men Or Sexual Dysfunction In Women?

One of the main contributing factors to erectile or sexual dysfunction is said to be genetics. However, there is not enough evidence-based research data to support the fact that ED or sexual dysfunction treatments are caused strictly by genetics. That being said, there is an overwhelming inclination that stress in conjunction with genetics can most definitely play a defining role when diagnosing an erectile and sexual dysfunction issue.

Can Testosterone & Progesterone Replacement Therapy Help Treat Ed In Men Or Sexual Dysfunction In Women?

Yes, both hormones can help through different mechanisms. Testosterone treatment not only increases blood flow and frequency of erections but also significantly increases sexual desire. Progesterone increases sexual arousal and desire in both men and women. Although both of these hormones have many other incredible benefits for health and longevity, we are keeping the topic focused on this specific area of sexual optimization.