PG Slots Testimonials - Hormone Optimization & Peptide Therapy Miami
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Patient Testimonials

Below you’ll find some of our most fantastic patient testimonials for bio-identical hormone replacement/optimization therapy and other regenerative services. Our patients love us for delivering the results they expect, our customer care service, and everything else we do for them. We would never share any of our medical records, so having them go out of their way to make their experience public means the world to us. Below you will find videos and before and after written testimonials of some of our patients’ incredible results.

Our medical office in Miami, Florida, specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement/optimization therapy, but we also take a holistic approach to your health with other natural alternatives and sophisticated testing. In addition to that, our doctors, based out of Miami, are not only prescribers but patients themselves with an expert level of knowledge when it comes to age management medicine.

Our wellness clinic has various solutions from services in hormone optimization, peptide therapy, sexual wellness treatments, shockwave therapy, mobile IV infusions, and targeted pharmacy grade supplementation. We focus on finding the root cause of your symptoms and treat them from the inside out with simple solutions. For most of our patients, these simple solutions are “life-changing” like the testimonials you will find below.


I’d like to thank the team at the Medical Health Institute for not only taking my physical health to the next level but more importantly, for taking my mental cognition and emotional vitality to a place I never thought would be possible. From the way that I think to the way I’m able to deal with the stress of daily life and the hardships of high-level entrepreneurship — I’ve never felt better! It’s simple, I turn 57 this year and I look better than I did in my early 30’s. The pictures speak for themselves, but what most people won’t ever see are the changes and the gains that I experienced inside. Once again, my deepest gratitude. Please keep your mission of inspiring and helping others to raise their standards and achieve their wildest dreams! You guys rock!


 I’d like to thank the team at the Medical Health Institute for not only taking my physical health to the next level but more importantly, for taking my mental cognition and emotional vitality to a place I never thought would be possible. From the way that I think to the way I’m able to deal with the stress of daily life and the hardships of high-level entrepreneurship — I’ve never felt better! It’s simple, I turn 57 this year and I look better than I did in my early 30’s. The pictures speak for themselves, but what most people won’t ever see are the changes and the gains that I experienced inside. Once again, my deepest gratitude. Please keep your mission of inspiring and helping others to raise their standards and achieve their wildest dreams! You guys rock!

However, the clock was ticking in my wife’s heart until one day, the next inevitable shoe dropped. “Honey, I don’t love you anymore, and I want a divorce.”

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I had just turned 60 and throughout my entire life, I dreamed of being fit and healthy, but work and life got in the way. Now that I retired, I had the time and the desire to improve my fitness level and health status. I started on a program, working out about five times a week, sometimes with a trainer. I did get more robust, but not much happened with my body and way of feeling fatigued. I wanted to get leaner and stronger to prevent sarcopenia to age gracefully, but even with all the supplements I was taking, I did not see much change.
Turning 64 in 2016, I discussed with my doctor my frustration about
not being able to alter my body composition with regular weight training and careful eating.
He reviewed my blood work and pointed out that my total testosterone was 220. He said that 220 was below average and asked if I had ever considered testosterone optimization therapy, which would involve injections.

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The Medical Health Institute has restored my self-esteem and my future. In my very late 40’s I had gotten soft, and the weight kept piling on, and it wasn’t good poundage. While I was working out just as hard, I also had increased my cardio and tightened my diet, but the body fat kept growing. As I have heart disease in my father’s family lineage, I became increasingly concerned. I was a ticking time bomb, and I had to make a change to avoid the family fate as all of my father’s line had a major heart attack in their late ’40s or, at the latest, early ’50s. To add to this concern, my afternoon’s work focus became almost impossible without a nap, and most of the time, a ’20 minute power nap’ didn’t work. Lastly, let’s not talk about the ‘bedroom’ activity as it was ‘not so good. Enough said!
While the pictures say it A LOT, it is not ALL of the story. Here is what has happened with Medical Health Institute’s treatment plan: muscle increased, fat began to fall off, eventually 50lbs of it, I have the focus for the entire workday & longer, and the bedroom activity was HUGELY improved, in a BIG way!!
Now, I feel fantastic, I look better, and I can focus throughout my entire workday! Thank you so much to the team at Medical Health Institute, especially Dr. Rudolph Eberwein and Michael Bertonatti. I am the real result of the real expertise of the Medical Health Institute team.


The Medical Health Institute has restored my self-esteem and my future. In my very late 40’s I had gotten soft, and the weight kept piling on, and it wasn’t good poundage. While I was working out just as hard, I also had increased my cardio and tightened my diet, but the body fat kept growing. As I have heart disease in my father’s family lineage, I became increasingly concerned. I was a ticking time bomb, and I had to make a change to avoid the family fate as all of my father’s line had a major heart attack in their late ’40s or, at the latest, early ’50s. To add to this concern, my afternoon’s work focus became almost impossible without a nap, and most of the time, a ’20 minute power nap’ didn’t work. Lastly, let’s not talk about the ‘bedroom’ activity as it was ‘not so good. Enough said!
While the pictures say it A LOT, it is not ALL of the story. Here is what has happened with Medical Health Institute’s treatment plan: muscle increased, fat began to fall off, eventually 50lbs of it, I have the focus for the entire workday & longer, and the bedroom activity was HUGELY improved, in a BIG way!!
Now, I feel fantastic, I look better, and I can focus throughout my entire workday! Thank you so much to the team at Medical Health Institute, especially Dr. Rudolph Eberwein and Michael Bertonatti. I am the real result of the real expertise of the Medical Health Institute team.

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 I began using bio-identical hormones, peptides, and targeted supplementation roughly ten years ago. In a short amount of time, I noticed my mental focus was sharp as a tack, my strength was back, my libido felt like if I was a teenager again, and I was loving life. I also noticed the fat was coming off easy, my muscles were getting denser, I no longer felt fatigued mentally nor physically, and I could practice medicine at my best once again. This meant the world to me because now I can provide my patients (at all times) the best version of myself. The critical factor I realized was I was now able to show up to my day at 100% in my personal life as a father, husband, leader, education, career, and training. Here is where I truly started taking my attention seriously to this new form of medicine because I was able to see all the positive and powerful benefits that
bio-identical hormone optimization therapy could have on my patients and for myself.

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 At 22 years of age, I experienced severe erectile dysfunction issues, and I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone about the problem because it was taboo and abnormal to feel this way. My friends would talk about sex stories, and all I could think to myself was about the little blue and orange pill (Viagra-Cialis) I had to use every time I was going to be sexually active. I created a complete psychosomatic dependence upon using the tablet because I couldn’t get an erection without it. I had a couple of TERRIBLE experiences trying to have sex without it. I was so embarrassed and shocked that I started to think that I was abnormal or that something was wrong with me, which little did I know, it began to have a severely detrimental
impact on my self-esteem. Here is where I began to research like a maniac; how could I fix my ED problem. I tried chiropractic medicine, thinking it could be a pinched nerve that was causing the ED issue. I tried herbs, supplements, diets, thinking it could be a nutrient deficiency.

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Carlos B Before And After


While most people will look at this “before-and-after” pic and notice a nice change, unfortunately, what the picture will not reflect are the remarkable changes that took place INSIDE, which to me are far more valuable than the physical. Before beginning my hormone-optimization journey, I was experiencing the typical midlife issues that come as the years slowly pile on. The time and energy I was spending on my training were simply not producing the same results. It became harder to stay in shape even though I had kept a clean diet and an athlete’s training regimen for most of my life. More importantly, I began to notice the difference in my energy levels, my drive and motivation, my mental sharpness, and my quickness. I felt something was “off” day after day, and I pushed against the mental fog.
I knew about the claimed benefits of hormone therapy, but I was always a bit scared of messing around with my hormones, specifically my testosterone, at such an early age. My goal was to keep it “natural” for as long as possible, but it felt as though I had hit a deep rut and an endless plateau.

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"I started a testosterone treatment with this clinic, and I now believe this a treatment that every man (especially married) should be on if they have the symptoms for it. I looked around Miami, and I found this clinic to be the most affordable and knowledgeable when it comes to their treatments. The entire team is good looking and super fit. Also, most of the wellness clinics I found had a cookie-cutter approach while here they personalized everything based on my results, which I loved! This treatment changed my life and made me a BIG believer in hormone replacement therapy. I feel indebted to you guys, sincerely thank you!"

Pedro Fuentes

"Recién empiezo con Medical Health Institute y tengo que decir que estoy muy agradecida de que mi doctora esté trabajando con este grupo. Especialmente, Carlos Bertonatti, quien se tomó el tiempo y tuvo la paciencia de explicarme todo el proceso. Bastante conocimiento del tema y una gran pasión por ayudar y hacer que una de sienta bien, no solo con la información, sino con la atención y rapidez, así como, con los costos. En espera de Como este tratamiento cambiar mi vida, mi salud y mi cuerpo. Muy agradecida!!"

Anabella Aguilar

"I got way more than what I expected with this wellness clinic and their hormone & peptide replacement therapy program. I think this must be the most advanced clinic I have found that knows what they are doing with hormone and peptide therapy, and they know Jay Campbell, which I love that they are integrated along Jay, BIG PLUS ON THAT. I am happy to have made the right decision on transferring over to this clinic b/c I finally feel I am being handled and taken care the right way, with a highly experienced doctor and team. They have been so giving as well, can't wait to get my three free sessions of Shockswave therapy from them. In my opinion, this clinic is the best institute in Florida and I've been around this industry for over ten years."

Juan Pablo Arturo

"Conocí al dueño del negocio estando de vacaciones. Me vendió lo que su clínica podría hacer por mí. Una vez que volví de las vacaciones, comencé un programa que se enfocaba en mejorar mi sistema sexual, energía, recuperación muscular, y para mejorar la calidad de mi sueño. Con su ayuda, he podido pasar por una verdadera transformación de vida. Todo lo que me prometieron lo sobre logré y pasaron mis expectativas. No es solo lo que me dieron, sino su sistema de apoyo y cómo me motivé para lograr mis objetivos de salud. Sentí como si tuviese un entrenador personal de salud que me hico responsable de mis objetivos y metas de salud. Nada como esta compañía existe donde vivo. Recomiendo encarecidamente esta empresa a cualquier persona por ahí. Espero mantener mi juventud una vez más, gracias."

Hector Melean

"My friend up here in ND recommended Medical Health Institute to me. Getting started was very easy and straight forward, walking you through every step, if needed. The facility was extremely clean and well put together. Working with Dr. Rudolph Eberwein and Michael Bertonatti has been a pleasure and a great Experience. Their wealth of knowledge, experience and actual drive to really help people, has successfully started me on a path to bring my "AWESOMENESS" back. I'm feeling amazing and the sex life is an actual thing now! I wish i could give more stars! I would recommend this to anyone and have already to my friends and family. If you want a change in your life for the better, this is the place."

Weston Donner

"Este instituto de salud ha sido una verdadera bendición para ayudarme a alcanzar mis objetivos de salud y longevidad. Fui por niveles bajos de testosterona y para pérdida de grasa, y mis resultados están superando mis expectativas. Tienen un proceso y oficina virtual muy avanzados y adaptado a la conveniencia de uno. Lo cual fue muy importante para mí. Recomiendo esta clínica para todas sus necesidades de estilo de vida saludable. También busque los mejores precios, y esta clínica los tiene. De ultimo, están dentro de una oficina linda y elegante. Verdadero servicio que promueve este grupo de individuos"

Jose Luis

"I Love Medical Health institute! There are always there for me; they've done a great job at staying attentive to me; they make you feel like you matter as if your health conditions are their own! I had their personalized IV push infusions, which is much better than the old drip bags. I am feeling a lot more motivated, with more energy, sleeping like a baby, and my focus has drastically sharpened. The best part about the infusions is that they come to my home to infuse me. I find that so convenient b/c of my work schedule. Love, Love, Love the newsletters they send, so informative! I am thinking of doing their testosterone replacement therapy as well. Thank you again, guys!"

Jose Aristizabal

" I started a testosterone treatment with this clinic, and I now believe this a treatment that every man (especially married) should be on if they have the symptoms for it. I looked around Miami, and I found this clinic to be the most affordable and knowledgeable when it comes to their treatments. The entire team is good looking and super fit. Also, most of the wellness clinics I found had a cookie-cutter approach while here they personalized everything based on my results, which I loved! This treatment changed my life and made me a BIG believer in hormone replacement therapy. I feel indebted to you guys, sincerely thank you! Pedro Fuentes Excelente servicio! No me esperaba los resultados de mi tratamiento de testosterone. Tengo energía otra vez, mi recuperación de ejercicio increíble, y estoy durmiendo como un bebe! En otras palabras , me siento de 20 años otra vez!"

Carlos Andres Chaux R

" I am an older man (I rather not disclose my age), and I was having problems with my libido. To be honest, the ED problem took me to a dark place in my life. My state of happiness and confidence were affected in all ways and shapes. For me, it was tough to address this situation, and I was embarrassed to discuss it. So, a friend of mine, reluctantly, got in me in touch with this clinic, and I had my 1st appointment with them. That is when the magic happened. They made me realize that what I was going through was more common than what I understood it. They didn’t make a big fuzz about it and focused on the solution rather than my problem. Another big plus for me was that they treated me like a friend, and helped me see that I also had a hormonal issue. At first, I enrolled for Shockswave therapy but then did their hormone replacement therapy, and oh boy!! My energy levels are better than I could imagine capable at my age; the motivation I have has made my focus in the business easy, and my confidence is even better than when I was in my earlier 20's. It is like being in a 20-year-old body, but with a pearl of 60-year-old developed wisdom. I have no words to describe how thankful I am to my friend John for referring me here and for what this clinic has done for me!"

Ricardo Leon

"I usually do not write reviews, but I decided to share my experience with everyone. I first thought this was something that was not going to work. I decided to give them a try since I had several health problems that I just could not deal with anymore. The team recommended a blood test, which I then saw for myself that I was deficient in almost everything. I was basically dying alive. This was the moment I started believing because people lie, and they lie a lot, but the numbers on my blood work were not a lie. So, I decided to embark on their complete suggested therapy. At first, I cannot lie, I was overwhelmed; however, it made me feel incredible, I cannot put enough words on how great I feel other than for me to leave a review, it takes mountains! If you're from Miami, this is where you need to go to change every aspect about the quality of your life. From my results, I debate when anyone tells me now, they feel good and are not on therapies like this."

Esteban Galindo

"¡¡Excelente servicio, recupere mi vitalidad especialmente a la hora de ejercitarme!! ¡Realice el tratamiento de testosterona y no solo me ayudo a incrementar mi rendimiento y salud sino mi vida intima! Muy contento con los resultados, tenia miedo de invertir en algo como esto pero definitivamente lo haría con los ojos cerrados, ellos realmente les importa tu salud y lo que es mejor para el cuerpo de uno!! Muchas gracias!"

Antonio Suarez

"This institute straight-up saved my life. I was a mess hormonal wise and was completely nutrient deprived. I was a walking ticking time bomb before I walked into this clinic. I was seriously depressed and had lost my edge for the pleasures of life. I had no energy, no sex drive, mental fatigue, and could not sleep at night. However, thanks to this medical team, the nutritionist, and the personal trainer I was assigned to on my program, my life has made a 180-degree turn for the better. I’ve lost 60 lbs, my sex drive has never been better, I AM SLEEPING, and I totally feel ALIVE again! Thank you , thank you, thank you! I am so thankful for the help provided by you guys. I recommend this clinic to any person who is experienced something like me or wants to maximize their health."

Jessica Pares

"Recomiendo mucho a este instituto! Excelente servicio hacia el cliente. Mi experiencia en general ha sido hasta ahora algo muy diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrado cuando voy a mi doctor bajo mi seguro. Dia y noche en diferencia de servicio y metodos de terapia. Tambien, les he enviado varios amigos los cuales están muy contentos con sus resultados y experieencia. Llevo ya más de cuatro años bajo la supervicion de la clinica y siguen mejorando los servicios que ofrecen. Todos son de verdad apasionados por la medicina natural y les encanta compartirlo con los clientes. Les recomeindo mucho que hablen con Michael, es un genio."

Moris Ocando

"I stared my Shockswave therapy this past month, and the results on my intimate life are just astonishing!! Feeling better than ever, and my confidence is back. I also got hooked up with blood work to check my testosterone, and sure enough, I was low. The price for their testosterone treatment was the best price I was able to shop around and find. They weren't kidding when they said they had the most competitive prices. This clinic is on point and would suggest it to all my friends. The last detail I liked a lot was the staff members. They are always there for you, and they made me feel right at home."

Luis Gantiva

"It has been not very easy for me to deal with decreased levels of energy, especially while performing sporting activities, like swimming, tennis, soccer, and my passion, triathlons. Months before I was planning to run a triathlon, I was feeling extremely sluggish, slightly depressed, and overweight. Despite my efforts at the gym and training, I wasn't seeing or feeling the results I used to have. I didn't want to get muscly. I just wanted to lose body fat and increase my recovery time so that I can race. After a few months of being with this clinic, based on the plan they tailored out for my specific needs. I immediately felt my recovery from exercise speed up, it got easier to burn fat, I felt more energetic, and my determination for training was incredibly better. When the big day of my event came, although I didn't get 1st place, I was able to finish the race with ease. The next day after the race, I did not feel fatigued and mildly sore, which was very impressive. Thank you for helping me, and I very well recommend this place."

Edson Garcia

"El Instituto a sido excelente, sinceramente quería expresarles mi agradecimiento a todo lo que me han ayudado hasta ahorita. Han hecho que mi vida mejore de una forma que no creía que ya era posible a mi edad. Gracias nuevamente y les deseo éxito continuo. Ya tienen de mi y un cliente de por vida. Les aseguro recomendarles a unos cuantos amigos que se que pueden utilizar sus servicios."

Maximiliano Vilchez