PG Slots TRT Miami | Myths and Misconceptions about Testosterone Replacement
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1st consensus statement – Testosterone deficiency is a well established clinically significant medical condition that negatively affects male sexuality, reproduction, general health, and quality of life

2nd consensus statement – Symptoms and signs of testosterone deficiency occur as a result of low testosterone levels and may benefit from treatment regardless of whether there is identified underlying cause

3rd consensus statement – Testosterone deficiency is a global public health concern

4th consensus statement – Testosterone therapy for men is both effective rational and evidence based

5th consensus statement – There is no testosterone concentration threshold that reliably distinguishes those who will respond to treatment from those who will not – minute

6th consensus statement – There is no scientific basis for any age specific recommendation against the use of testosterone therapy in men – minute 4:12 — 5:47 7th consensus statement – The evidence does not support increased risk of cardiovascular events with testosterone therapy

8th consensus statement – The evidence supports a major research initiative to explore possible benefits of testosterone therapy for cardiometabolic disease including diabetes – minute

9th consensus statement – The evidence does not support increased risk of prostate cancer with testosterone therapy

We’ve made this email specifically for your doctor. You should be aware that as of today there are over 80 peer-reviewed articles from institutions such as The Mayo Clinic, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Pubmed, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, and The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) which show that testosterone, bio-identical hormones, and peptides are safe medications to take, and how testosterone therapy could actually, in most cases, prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Throughout years we’ve found that the lion’s share of the stigma and all the misconceptions over hormone optimization therapy is due to the disease mongering-media hype inflicted by the allopathic medical community. Since there is so much bad data and misunderstanding about what we actually do and offer, below you will find clinically backed studies about our medical therapies. In addition, please know that we believe it is crucial for you to be as educated as possible regarding these matters so that you can make an informed decision rather than subscribing to someone else’s misguided fears, even if those fears are coming from your doctor.

It is also important for you to know we only use therapeutic dosages that restore normal physiological levels which has been proven to be safe and even protective against many diseases. These levels are closely monitored by a physician with more than 12 years of experience in this specific field who is not only a specialist, but also a patient himself.


1. Testosterone causes prostate cancer

For years men have expressed concerns that using testosterone treatment or hormone replacement therapy will boost their risk of developing prostate cancer. However, the results of a new study presented at the American Urological Association in their 2016 annual meeting has shown that testosterone treatment DOES NOT increase prostate cancer risk. In fact, new research suggests such treatment may REDUCE the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.


The whole myth about testosterone therapy causing prostate cancer in men came from an American urologist named Charles Huggins, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1966 for a study he did in 1941 on the origin of T therapy in men with prostate cancer. People don’t know that this study was done on three men who received daily T injections for 14 days. The results were reported on 2 of those three men, and one of these men was already castrated. This meant that the general rule that “Testosterone injections activated cancer of the prostate” was based on A SINGLE non-castrated patient who, when given testosterone, appeared to get worse but, when given estrogen, appeared to get better!

If this is hard to believe, take a look at the study for yourself, please click here

So, please ask your doctor to show you the actual study showing testosterone could cause any cancer in general. Ask him to print it out and hand it to you, we would love to see it–because we know it does not exist.   On the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from the Mayo Clinic’s  International Expert Panel regarding testosterone deficiency and reduced risk of prostate cancer.


 2. Testosterone therapy may cause heart disease 

A 2008 study administered an oral testosterone preparation or a placebo to 22 men with coronary artery disease and low testosterone levels. Hormone therapy produced a modest increase in blood flow to the heart muscle by widening healthy, but not partially blocked, coronary arteries. Testosterone also boosted heart muscle contractions.
The study also revealed that blood vessels and heart muscle cells have receptors that latch onto testosterone. Men who undergo testosterone androgen-deprivation therapy develop abnormally stiff arteries. It also showed that treatment with testosterone improved vascular reactivity and blood flow in men with atherosclerosis and “normal” testosterone levels.
Ask your doctor to show you the study showing that testosterone could cause heart disease. Ask him to print it out and hand it to you, we would love to see because, as far as we know, it does not exist. On the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from the Harvard’s Medical School regarding testosterone deficiency and heart function improvement.


 3. Testosterone doesn’t help with Type 2 diabetes 

 We now know that low testosterone levels in men are associated with insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity.  A study published in 2013 in the journal BioMed Research International found that low testosterone levels may help predict if a man will develop insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes in the future. According to the researchers, in a group of more than 300 obese and non-obese men, 44 percent had both type 2 diabetes and low testosterone, compared with 33 percent who had low testosterone but did not have diabetes.
The researchers also noted that 25 percent of those with type 2 diabetes and low testosterone were not obese concluding that low testosterone is linked to insulin resistance regardless of body weight. Another study showed that for every point increase in your BMI, your testosterone drops by 2%.  O n the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from PubMed Central (PMC)  regarding testosterone’s significant positive effect on diabetic patients treated with testosterone therapy.


 4. Hormones aren’t safe

The molecules of the hormones we work with are structurally identical to the hormones your body naturally makes. Unlike synthetic hormones, bio-identical hormones fit perfectly into the hormonal receptors in your body. Found in plants, these bio-identical hormones generate the same physiologic responses as your body’s natural hormones. The result? Your body can completely utilize the bio-identical hormones without the side effects associated with synthetic hormones. On the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from PubMed Central (PMC) regarding testosterone long term safety and efficacy.

click here


 5. Testosterone leads to blood clots

When hormone replacement therapy was first developed, treatments were not individualized. Today, expert physicians who administer HRT take into consideration individual hormone levels and function before prescribing a plan of action. That’s why, for most people, HRT does not pose a risk of developing blood clots. In fact, medical advancements in HRT allow men to mitigate the risk of developing coronary artery disease.  O n the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from Science Daily  regarding that testosterone is not linked with blood clot disorders in veins.


6. Testosterone won’t help my depression or won’t address my poor cognition

Testosterone replacement therapy is a widely-used treatment for men with depression, memory, and a poor sense of wellbeing. Reports regarding the effects of testosterone on cognitive function, depression, and memory are impressive and yet pervasive in 2020. In present studies, we investigated several studies showing the efficacy and safety of therapy in men with poor mental state function and depression.  O n the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from PubMed Central (PMC)  regarding testosterone’s significant  effect on cognitive performance and a great treatment for depression.



 7.Hormone replacement therapy won’t address weight issues

Once menopause or andropause have set in, we have witnessed many doctors tell their patients that losing the ability to burn fat efficiently and gain muscle mass is just a result of aging and that there’s nothing they can do about it, but the ladder is simply just not true. We know that by balancing hormones, HRT increases both men’s and women’s natural energy and zest for life. It also kicks into high gear the fat burning mechanism, and increases protein synthesis and lipolysis just like it was in your 20’s and 30’s. Consequently, those who opt for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can look forward to a slimmer waistline, stronger muscle definition, and therefore a significantly improved body composition.  O n the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from Scitechdaily  regarding testosterone’s significant weight-loss evidence.



8. Muscle loss (sarcopenia) is not due to a hormonal decline or deficiency

At some point around the age of 30, we start to lose muscle mass via 2 conditions: “sarcopenia” and “dinopenia.” Physically inactive people can lose between 1-2% of their muscle mass each year after age 30, and even if you are active, you’ll still have some muscle loss. Nevertheless, by optimizing your hormone levels with the help of testosterone replacement therapy or what we call “TRT” this loss of muscle and function can be avoided entirely.  On the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from PubMed Central (PMC)  regarding testosterone’s significant effect on sarcopenia prevention and increase in protein synthesis.



 9. Testosterone doesn’t help with the COVID-19 inflammatory attack

We now know that the COVID-19 virus causes what the medical field calls a “cytokine storm” in your body. An inflammatory cytokine, or pro-inflammatory cytokine, is a type of signaling molecule that is secreted from immune cells like helper T cells, macrophages, and certain other cell types that promote inflammation. Pro-inflammatory cytokines have a central role in the progression of COVID-19 infection. Several studies now show that hypogonadism (low testosterone) is associated with increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. In this context, measuring testosterone levels may be recommended at the time of an identified COVID-19 positive test. Furthermore, the use of testosterone may be considered to reduce the associated pulmonary syndrome, thus preventing progression to severe COVID-19 disease where pro-inflammatory cytokines play a major role. On the link below we offer you the consensus position statement from PubMed Central (PMC) regarding testosterone’s significant effect on the virus inflammatory response.

click here



 10. Synthetic hormones aren’t safe nor natural

Consumers have been told that synthetic treatment options work better because they have been created by scientists and tested more rigorously than bio-identical treatments. While synthetic hormones work for many patients, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy offers a natural and more effective alternative to chemically created products.
Made from natural sources like plants, bio-identical hormones work by mimicking the body’s natural hormone production. To be sure,when you break down the word “bio” as in biological which means living organism; bio-identical simply means that your body recognizes these identical hormones at a molecular level. So, for example, testosterone has X amounts of carbon atoms, X amounts of hydrogen atoms, and X amounts of oxygen atoms. All testosterone is the same, all estrogens are the same. It’s all bio identical.
In regards to the method of administration, whether via creams, injectables, or pellets, they are ALL bio-identical. Don’t let someone tell you an injection is synthetic and not bio-identical. The word synthetic is another word people are afraid of for lack of knowledge. To synthesize simply means: to form! Your body synthesizes proteins every day. It takes molecules and forms a compound. This is what the word synthetic actually means. It’s not a bad scary word.
So yes, all hormones that we take exogenously are synthetic because they are produced, but they are still bio-identical molecules. Once you understand that, you can start approaching your health with more certainty and autonomy to benefit you.



 11. Hormones only address symptoms when they are present

 Our bodies contain more than one trillion cells that rely on a delicate balance of hormones to carry out a massive variety of functions. HRT regulates hormones continuously and alleviates andropause (TD), somatopause, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopausal symptoms by mimicking natural biological functions. This helps keep hormone levels consistent even when patients aren’t experiencing active symptoms. Maintaining hormone levels in check reduces the risk of suffering from long-term issues and can prevent unpleasant side effects.



 12. Hormones may cause cancer 

A study done in 2002 gained tremendous attention by making this claim. But, back then, this study only reviewed research on synthetic hormones made from horse urine did which indeed cause cancer. However, as a result, these synthetic hormones were replaced by custom compound hormones that created a natural hormone balance. We now call them bio-identical hormones. There are no studies done so far that can prove or correlate bio-identical hormones with cancer.



13. Will my insurance cover my testosterone therapy

The vast majority of insurance providers do not cover advanced hormonal therapies because they don’t consider treatment unless you can prove, for example, testosterone levels under 150 pg/dl. To give you some contrast, in our industry, levels that low are considered zombie-like levels. You basically have to reach a point of no testosterone production for an insurance provider to consider covering your testosterone therapy which is ridiculous. What’s more, even if they do decide to prescribe, they’ll’ very often do it without the auxiliary medications that prevent side effects like testicular shutdown and overproduction of estrogen. However, the overall cost of treatment is less than when using insurance and for the most part we optimize your wellbeing so you can prevent going to a doctor’s office in the first place.

If your insurance happens to cover your testosterone therapy, there are a few very important details you should know about when going through your provider. First, insurance-based doctors are limited by insurance policies and their approval standards for testosterone therapy. It is unfortunate that today the person who gets to decide what your health is worth is actually the insurance company, NOT you, NOT the doctor! For example, it is very common to see patient’s get insurance-covered testosterone injections every 2-4 weeks, or daily gels/creams, which have been shown to be not only ineffective, but  actually an unhealthy protocol in regards to your natural hormonal circadian rhythms.

Time and time again we witness insurance providers resorting to very outdated protocols. Providers don’t seem to understand the pharmacodynamics of the medications as well as the human pharmacokinetics response to therapy. For these reasons, your insurance based testosterone therapy will be a terrible experience.

99% of clients who have come to us after insurance approved therapy end up coming back and staying with us because they experience exactly what is being described here. As mentioned earlier, it is important to understand providers will not cover two other stimulants needed along testosterone therapy to prevent a testicular shutdown and/or estrogen side effects. There is an array of other beneficial hormones/peptide therapies we offer in addition to our testosterone therapies which are definitely out of the providers’ league. If your doctor is not testing for all these panels, you can rest assured he/she lacks experience and/or is limited by the insurance policies.

Here are the panels we test for. It has been our experience that most insurance based doctors don’t understand the purpose or synergistic association and effects of these panels:

Complete Metabolic Panel, Total & Free Testosterone, Lipid Panel, IGF-1, CBC W/Diff, Estradiol, Free T3 & Free T4, Cortisol, TSH, DHEA Sulfate, PSA, LH & FSH, Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy, Dihydrotestosterone, Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, Insulin, Hemoglobin A1C, Thyroid Peroxidase AB, Ferritin, Pregnenolone, Reverse T3, C-Reactive Protein, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Magnesium, Progesterone.



 14. All Hormone replacement treatments are the same 

Unlike many synthetics treatments, which take a one-size-fits-all approach, HRT treatments are tailored to meet the unique biochemistry and hormonal balance of an individual. A patients biochemistry is as unique as their fingerprint, so every treatment is always individualized according to a patient’s biochemical needs, symptoms, and long term goals.




If this has not been enough for you or your doctor, here are three of top best selling books on hormone optimization therapy, with more clinical data that will clear up any additional concerns you may have.  We strongly recommend you & your doctor to read these books or watch the videos below & get updated with the endocrinology  medical society.


Here are some Youtube interviews with well recognized physicians and pioneers of this industry. Please tune into these incredible interviews.

Testosterone Deficiency Resolutions From An International Expert


Click here

Testosteronology: Dr. Thomas O’Connor’s Health Movement for Men

Click here

Therapeutic Testosterone Myths and Misconceptions- Part 1 w/ Dr. Scott Howell and Dr. Keith Nichols

Click here

The Do’s and Don’ts of Testosterone Replacement Therapy with Jay Campbell

Click here

Testosterone Resistance and the Importance of Treating by Symptom, Not Numbers w/Dr. Keith Nichols

Click here

Please be aware that these are the resource we use to give you the most updated information available to the public

Scientific studies and peer-reviewed articles  on hormone & peptide therapy

American Association of endocrinology – It is a professional community of physicians specializing in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism committed to enhancing the ability of its members to provide the highest quality of patient care. One of their studies showed that Testosterone levels less than 350 increase a male’s chance of cardiovascular disease.

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism  – It is the world’s leading peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of original research as it relates to the clinical practice of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism.

(JAMA) Journal of American Medical Association – It is The largest and most prestigious journal.

New England Journal of Medicine – It is a weekly national and international medical journal and one of the most recognized journals.

Mayo Clinic – It is an American nonprofit academic medical center based in Rochester, Minnesota, focused on integrated patient care, education, and research.

Pubmed Central – It is a free search engine with a database of references on biomedical topics.

The American Journal of Medicine – It is a peer-reviewed medical journal and the official journal of the alliance for academic Internal Medicine.

Clinical Infectious Diseases journal – It is a peer-reviewed medical journal published by Oxford University Press covering research on the pathogenesis, clinical investigation, medical microbiology, diagnosis, immune mechanisms, and treatment of diseases caused by infectious agents.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) – It is part of the United Stated National Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institute of Health.

National Institute of Health (NIH) – It is the an important US health agency that is devoted to medical research.